We got back from upstate New York on Sunday evening. Monday we spent organizing everything in the house (haphazardly). Tuesday, the movers came to pack up everything. We had been given 3 days for packing everything but the movers, once they had surveyed the house, said that they could do it in a day. As it turns out, it was a very long day. They arrived at around 9 am and didn't leave until 9:30/10:00 that evening. 12 hours. 12 looooooong hours. Even though we didn't lift any boxes ourselves, we were totally exhausted by the end of the day. We hadn't really planned well. It was 10:30 at night, we had no bed, no blankets, no pillows, and most of our clothes were gone. We sat down and called up all the nearby hotels. No vacancies! On a Tuesday night! Grrrr. We finally found a place near Eric's workplace. On the way there, I realized that I had done a brilliant thing: I had forgotten to set aside a coat and had them all put in our ocean shipment. Daytime temps are about 50-60 degrees in Shanghai (much like here in Georgia) -- in other words, I'd likely need a jacket. And since I had consigned the coat closet to the ocean shipment, I wouldn't see any of my jackets until summer. I had a gift certificate for the Gap stores, which was a surprise gift from Eric (probably a 'Thank-you' for not twisting off his head -- 'We're going to China when!?!?'), so that was added to Wednesday's to-do list.
I hurried back to the house on Wednesday morning since I had scheduled a meeting with the church across the way to take our microwave. I don't remember much else of Wednesday except that it was busy. Then it was time to pick up Eric and go home. We spent a few hours there, repacked an overnight bag, and returned to the hotel. Thursday was worse. The cat had a morning vet appointment so he could get microchipped and to get his International Health Certificate completed. Poor kitty. I had a doctor's appointment that afternoon for a persistent cough (turned out to be nothing to worry about). Friday afternoon, we picked up a rental vehicle and then sold my car. Saturday, we sold Eric's car. We spent the rest of Saturday doing odd jobs around the house. I managed to empty my vegetable bin of carrots by feeding them to the donkey next door. I don't think he'll eat olives, though. Soon, it will be time to pack up a bag again and head back to the hotel for sleep. Which, from my incessant yawning, should be soon.
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