Penny came dressed on khaki slacks and a short-sleeve blouse with low heels, which didn't deter her from joining in. The shoes didn't matter since we all rented climbing shoes.

On Friday, I took the metro to Zhongshan Park. I like to visit Carrefour at least once a week to replenish our kitchen and other household supplies. During the week, I shop at whatever fruit stands I come upon to buy more fruit and vegetables as I need them or I go to the market downstairs to get a few items. I'm trying to see if how many places I can get to via the metro. Supposedly there's a Carrefour by Zhongshan Park since that is an expat haven. I didn't find the Carrefour then, but I did find a wet market and watched dancers at the park.
A wet market is what people here call a street market where you can buy meat. These places usually sell produce as well. Some of these wet markets have live chickens that they will butcher on the spot for you. I have yet to find a live chicken place. This place I found had tables of seafood, poultry, pork, and beef. I walked around it and simply decided to buy baking potatoes and sweet potatoes. Food bought at street markets is cheaper than at places like Carrefour, though you can't be as sure of the cleanliness of the place. If I'm not planning on peeling the food, I give it a quick soak in a bleach solution. As for meat, I am not yet comfortable with buying meat from a wet market. On a slightly related note, I did find dried beans at an expat-oriented grocery store.
I knew Carrefour was not far from the metro stop, but I had neglected to write down anything specific, like an address or a cross street (what's new). I ended up wandering around until I got lost (again, what's new). I then asked a traffic officer where Zhongshan Park was. Zhongshan Park is sizable and an easily recognized landmark and it's right by the metro station. I know just enough Chinese to ask where someplace is. My pronunciation must be suspect because the officer asked me to write out where I wanted to go. The only written Chinese I am capable of are the number '1', '2', and '3'. I'll teach you right now. Grab a pen or a pencil and a sheet of paper. Go ahead; I can wait. Now, make a short horizontal line:
Beautiful. You're a fast learner. O.K. Looks like you have the technique down. Here's how you make number '3'. Make 3 horizontal lines, again, one on top of the other.
Fantastic. Now you know how to write about as much Chinese as I can. Needless to say, for me to write 'Zhongshan Gongyuan' was beyond my abilities. I handed the traffic officer my notepad and pen and he wrote it out for me, sounding out each character carefully for my edification. Zhong Shan Gong Yuan.
Then, I spent about 5 minutes being schooled by the traffic officer on the proper way to say 'park'.
me: "Zhongshan Gongyuan zai nar?" (Where is Zhongshan park?)Repeat a few more times. He did point me in the right direction and even followed me across the street to make sure I knew.
traffic officer (TO): "Gong yuan"
me: "Gong yuan"
TO: "Gong yuan"
me: "Gong yuan"
TO: "Gong yuan"
While at the park, I decided to walk through and see what there was to see before boarding the metro back home. All over Shanghai, and especially in the parks, you see people participating in all sorts of activities. Tai chi with a group or solo, people walking alternately forwards and backwards, and on that day in Zhongshan Park, dancing. There was music playing over the P.A. system. The park even has these coat tree poles. There was

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