Yes! Christmas has come! Our air shipment arrived on Wednesday evening -- 14 boxes. Most of which contained clothes. The ocean shipment arrived on this (Friday) morning. Knowing that the ocean shipment was going to come, I had called the front desk to have the couch, chair, and a bedroom console removed on Thursday. I think the management thought I was a bit nuts.
Now we are reunited with our red couch, a well-travelled piece of furniture. We bought it in Albuquerque, NM from a 'modern' furniture store. They didn't have any in stock, so they had to order one from Denmark and had it delivered to our apartment. From Denmark to Albuquerque, next to Indianapolis and then to Atlanta. Now, it has come to China. We also got Eric's leather recliner, my porch rocking chair, our 2-drawer file cabinet, the barn-timber coffee table, 3 20-lb bags of cat food, and several other boxes containing kitchen stuff and the remainder of our clothes.
Both Eric and the cat had fun playing with the packing paper. Mugsy was shredding it with his teeth and claws. Eric was making 'paper angels'.
I spent much of the day washing clothes (much of our things smells like a forgotten shipment in a damp Goodwill storage closet) and washing dishes (it seemed that everything was covered with a thin film of grime). Now the kitchen is nearly in order. The office is chaotic as are the bedrooms and living room. Not surprisingly, some of the things we unpacked left us scratching our heads. In one box, I found Mugsy's cardboard cat scratchers. I thought I had thrown those out. Another box was full of salt since the movers had packed a salt shaker full of salt without sealing the top (I should have learned my lesson the last 2 times). Also found: Halloween treat bags from 4 years ago, a bottle of Elmer's glue (likely from Eric's Calvin days), and road atlases of the U.S. We still have a few more boxes to unpack. It's nearing bedtime for me. Tomorrow we are going to ride the bumper cars at People's Square with Penny.
Oh, Eric's G.I. Joes make it safe and sound. I think we can all sleep easier with that knowledge.
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