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Here's a shirt I got at my last doctor's visit:

Hee hee! Notice how the shirt is straining over my massive 8-month belly. Not pictured are my lovely swollen feet encased in orthopedic compression stockings. I'm quite the picture.
Let's see, I believe I have about 6-7 weeks left until baby arrives. So happy he's coming before summer!
I'm going into month 8 here and I'm ready to have this baby now. Thankfully, my feet don't hurt anymore and I have some energy back. Eric laughs because he can hear me huffing and puffing through the door when I'm trying to get up from my chair to let him into the apartment.
I've joined a group for expecting moms and moms who've recently given birth. There's a few of us who are due around the same time and we're making plans to get together and commiserate about sore feet and expanding body parts.
I had the most wonderful surprise today. I logged onto my blog page and surprisingly, it's not blocked anymore. We'll see how long that lasts. These things are never predictable.
I've neglected this blog for a long time and there's much I need to catch up on. For now, I'm going to post this brief entry and call it an early night.