I once asked a friend if she ever missed her daughter's baby days. She replied no, that each progressive stage just got better and more enjoyable. It made sense but I never really understood it until now. It just keeps getting better. He's changed so much in this short time. He is able to stay awake longer and is much more aware of his surroundings. I put him on his playmat and he likes to look around, coo, and kick.
It's fun to watch him grow. His neck is stronger and his head doesn't flop as much as it once did. He's able to hold his head up a bit when on his tummy and he's learning to smile.
We have Lincoln on a routine now, so our days now have a structure. The early days were a bit difficult adjusting to each other and getting acquainted. Especially challenging was learning to breastfeed. Natural it may be, but it certainly isn't necessarily intuitive. I fed Lincoln on demand the first month because I was so anxious about him gaining weight. Now that the scale has told me that he is gaining fine, I feel more relaxed about letting him go 3 hours between feedings.
I think my moment of quiet is coming to a close. I can hear snuffling from the next room. And so another day begins.
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